受教育及 工作经历 |
教育经历: 1.2001-09至2004-06,四川农业大学,动物遗传育种与繁殖,博士 2.1998-09至2001-07,四川农业大学,动物遗传育种与繁殖,硕士 3.1994-09至1998-07,四川农业大学,畜牧,学士 工作经历: 1.2012-02至今,四川农业大学,슬롯 신규가입 3 만원,教授 2.2010-01至2011-01,荷兰瓦赫宁根大学,动物科学系,访问学者 3.2007-01至2012-01,四川农业大学,슬롯 신규가입 3 만원,副教授 4.2004-07至2006-12,四川农业大学,슬롯 신규가입 3 만원,讲师 |
主要论著、 代表性论文 |
(1)Wenqiang Sun, Yaodong Hu, Hengyong Xu, Hua He, Chunchun Han, Hehe Liu, Jiwen Wang, Liang Li. Characterization of the duck (Anas platyrhynchos) Rbm24 and Rbm38 genes and their expression profiles in myoblast and skeletal muscle tissues. Comparative Biochemistry & Physiology Part B Biochemistry & Molecular Biology ,2016,198:27. (SCI收录,责任作者) (2)Wei Gan, Hua He, Liang Li. Molecular cloning, characterisation and functional analysis of the duck Forkhead box O3 (FOXO3) gene. British Poultry Science, 2016, 57(2):143. (SCI收录,责任作者) (3)Ning-Ning Zhang, Ji-Wei Hu, He-He Liu, Heng-Yong Xu, Hua He and Liang Li. SNPs in the 5'-regulatory region of the tyrosinase gene do not affect plumage color in ducks (Anas platyrhynchos). Genetics & Molecular Research,2015, 18623-18628. (SCI收录,责任作者) (4)Yan Wang, RongPing Zhang, YangMei Zhao, QingQing Li, XiPing Yan, JunYing Liu, Hua Gou and Liang Li. Effects of Pax3 and Pax7 expression on muscle mass in the Pekin duck (Anas platyrhynchos domestica). Genetics & Molecular Research, 2015:11495-11504. (SCI收录,责任作者) (5)Histological and Developmental Study of Prehierarchical Follicles in Geese[J]. Folia Biologica, 2014, 62(3):171-177. (SCI收录,责任作者) (6)Wei Gan, Qi Song, NingNing Zhang, XiangPing Xiong, DingMinCheng Wang and Liang Li. Association between FTO polymorphism in exon 3 with carcass and meat quality traits in crossbred ducks. Genetics & Molecular Research,2015:6699-6714. (SCI收录,责任作者) (7)Wenqiang Sun, Liang Li, Jiwen Wang, Hehe Liu, Haohan Wang, Xinxin Li, Rongping Zhang and Fang Ding. Overexpression of MyoD Increased the Expression of RNA-Binding Proteins Rbm24 and Rbm38. Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances, 2014, 13: 280-286.(SCI收录,责任作者) (8)Liang Li, He-he Liu, Feng Xu, Jian-min Si, Jing Jia and Ji-Wen Wang. MyoD expression profile and developmental differences of leg and breast muscle in Peking duck (Anas platyrhynchos Domestica). Micron, 2010, 41(7): 847-852 (SCI收录) (9)Liang Li, Jing Jia, Jian-min Si, Kai-liang Huang, Ji-wen Wang. Cloning and Characterization of Duck (Anas platyrhynchos) MyoD1 Gene and Comparison with Other Vertebrates. ICBBE 2009 (3rd International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering, ISBN 9781424429011). Doi: 10.1109/ICBBE.2009.5162509(EI收录) (10)甘伟,赵阳玫,张宁宁,宋奇,熊祥平,李亮.瘦素对鸭成肌细胞增殖与分化的影响.中国畜牧杂志,2017,(02):50-54,57. (责任作者) (11)甘超,胡深强,苟华,袁鑫,王继文,李亮.鹅GnIH受体基因的克隆及组织表达特性研究.中国家禽,2014,36(1):7~11(责任作者) (12)董霞,肖其海,刘贺贺,韩春春,王继文,李亮.鹅GnIH基因克隆及其在卵泡发育中的表达规律研究.中国家禽,2013,07:5-8. (责任作者) (13)李亮,赵小玲,李琴,朱庆.利用mRNA差异显示技术筛选丝羽乌骨鸡肝脏差异表达序列标签.畜牧兽医学报,2010,41 (4): 387-391 |